Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Power to do will

The result of May 10 election is good but the the biggest question and challenge is do you think they will work according to their purpose or they will work as puppet controlled by man in hand. Bottom line we are still looser because they are on the position with power.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

Calling the attention of all students/ graduates of LSPU-Sta. Cruz Main Campus with a course of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology all Major let's have a never ending friendship despite that some were already graduate let's keep our communications alive through social networking sites like this. As a former President of BSIT Batch '08 I never stop looking back to the School in which I started and developed my knowledge and skills. I salute everyone who believes in the power of their dreams in pursuing and surpass a never ending challenges of life as a students/ graduate. Again welcome to my social networking site you can follow me on different links posted here and send me any updates in and around. Thank you and Mabuhay BSIT Family. One of this day I am looking for a big event involving all BSIT Students/ Graduates.

Friday, April 30, 2010

2010 Challenge

Who will be the next Philippine President? No matter or what ever color you choose don't forget that he/she will serve us for six years and six years is not a joke! so you better think twice, trice, or for so many times so that in the end you won not them. Lord guide us help us on decision making so that we may not choose candidates having a personal interest but instead the interest of Filipino people world wide. We also ask for a peaceful 2010 Elections, do not bring us to a wrong path instead let your light shine and be our guide as the three Kings did.

Help Us oh Lord!


I think about those I do not see,
Sensing that they too think of me.

So many miles I have strayed,
When I could have simply stayed.

Merely to expand the bond,
To make new memories far beyond.

Life's choices find us miles apart,
Ever close with the beat of my heart.

To relive in my minds eye,
Keeps them close and always near by.

Memories gathered from the start,
Forever alive within my heart.

My message is so simple and small.
Those three words most important of all,

My BSIT Family!